Key Facts
Core Disciplines
XWELLS is a partner of choice and an active contributor in the development of international oil & gas activities.
XWELLS core field of speciality is to deliver state-of-the-art and innovative contributions and to generate new value chains on challenging emerging market.

Strategic Advice
Analysis of upstream operations, identification of market opportunities and positioning on post…
Technical Assistance
Expert support and manpower, due dilligence, performance and continuous improvement, technical reviews,…
Financial Partnerships
Oil & Gas structured finance, debt and equity fund raising, new market…
Deepwater Technologies
Subsea productions systems, umbilical and flow lines, deepwater completions and drilling, ROV's.
Training & Coaching
Local content strategies, multicultural coaching and awareness, technical trainings, well control certifications.
International oil & gas regulatory environment, arbitration, third party audits.Our Drivers
Leadership Team

Co-Founder - Chairman & CEO
Thibaud CADIEU
Board Director & General Manager
Kenny GRAY
Naoufal MAHDAR
Director & Co-FounderReferences

Lakach Project Team, Mexico
The training sessions where technically very valuable to both our design and our operations personnel who benefited from case studies and deepwater operational feedback from major international projects.
During the training, the instructor has shown a high level of professionalism, technical competency, safety awareness and a genuine interest in the local content development for this first deepwater development program in Mexican waters.
Southern North Sea Team, UK
During their assignment within PERENCO UK teams and supporting services delivery, these persons have delivered and regularly exceeded expectations by their technical abilities, professional standards, behaviors and attitudes but also shown exceptional level on ethics and compliance.
Kaombo Deepwater Project, Angola
No rig debugging past the first 2 months… HSEQ performance met right from the start.
Latest News
MEDIAS | ANA Mag |AfroChampions special issue |AfCFTA Integration |Interview (FR & ENG)
Read our CEO’s interview in the April Issue of ANA Mag, the magazine published by Africa News Agency, dedicated this month and in collaboration with The Afro Champions Initiative to the integration of the AfCFTA. Text in French and English
MEDIAS | International consultants explore ways to cooperate with Maluku Province (Indonesian Press)
XWELLS and partners CORE SOLUTIONS and Pemaskebar shared the front page of local news paper SIWALIMA of Ambon, Indonesia, covering our meeting at the office of the Governor of the Maluku Province and our exchanges about international energy projects about […]
MEDIAS | International consultants ready to help regional goverment with Oil & Gas projects (Indonesian Press)
Local Ambon based newspaper N25 News covered the visit of our CEO, Pol Palacios, to the Office of the Governor of Maluku Province in Indonesia. Xwells and its allied partner CORE SOLUTIONS INDONESIA , together with the Pemaskebar, a local […]
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